Seven Lakes High School


Seven Tips on Acing Your College Auditions, From a Seven Lakes Orchestra Student

For students hoping to pursue a degree in music and continue their musical journey beyond high school, senior year comes a whole new category of stress inducers: auditions. From my personal experience with the process, I have written a simple set of guidelines on how to prepare for, practice for, and nail your auditions. Narrow […]

My Summer in Bolivia

In the Summer of 2014, I saw a side of the world that not many get to see. I traveled to my home country of Bolivia where I taught music at an orphanage that transformed my life. On my first day, I confidently walked with my violin past the worn-out wooden garage, unsure of what […]

Cathleen Zhang, Harpist, Class of 2017

Being a harpist in the Seven Lakes Orchestras (SLORK) has been one of the most interesting experiences that I’ve gone and still am going through. Since there is only myself and another harpist, Rhea Saini in SLORK, I’m often frustrated due to the fact that no one else in my orchestra understands my problems, such […]

Eagle Project for the Seven Lakes Orchestra

I am working on my Eagle Project to build five risers for Seven Lakes Orchestra so the members in the back can be raised up to follow the conductor as well as be easily seen by the audiences. I am so fortunate to get the opportunity of combining two of my favorite passions and be […]

Thoughts on being a Pianist

The Seven Lakes Orchestras focus on overcoming challenges as a team; I am part of a smaller one. As a pianist, I’m often on the sidelines for events pertaining to the orchestra aspect of SLORK. It can be isolating, sometimes, sitting in a practice room for a concert or contest season as the orchestra rehearses […]

Alexander Rybak Performs on May 22

He exudes ease and confidence on stage and in interviews, qualities to be admired. His ability to connect with his audience, regardless of their origins, to lose himself and to articulate his thoughts and feelings through music, is phenomenal. He is a self proclaimed, “Music Missionary” that lives out the very core of the phrase, […]