Seven Lakes High School


Seven Lakes Orchestras Parent Association

Who We Are

The Seven Lakes Orchestras Parent Association (SLOPA) is an organization whose goal is to foster, maintain, and support the Seven Lakes High School Orchestra program. This goal has been achieved in part by providing opportunities for students to grow in their love of music as well as their abilities as musicians. Since its inception SLOPA has been able to provide students with equipment, training from accomplished musicians, and opportunities to work and grow with other students in the orchestra. All parents are invited to join SLOPA in its support of the Seven Lakes Orchestra program!

2024-2025 Executive Board


Anvita (Pinky) Kamdar

1st vice president
(Vp of ways and means)

Ali Vakili

2nd Vice President

Dongxiang Sun


Hong Xu


Bhavni Patel


Chin Chen

SLOPA Meeting Dates

All meetings take place at 6:30 PM in the Orchestra Room

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Tuesday, June 10, 2025

Special Committees

Special committees are created for a specific purpose and voted upon by the membership. The committee is automatically dissolved as soon as that purpose is accomplished and the committee report is made. Special committees should complete their assignments within the current school year. If the objectives are not met at the end of the school year, officers will be required to reappoint members of the committee for the following year until the purpose of the committee has been achieved. Individuals who have a conflict of interest shall not be allowed to serve as members of the committee. For example, senior parents would not be included on a scholarship committee since their child is a potential recipient of the monies.

Yearlong, Seasonal Chairs

Membership/Donor Circle

Tianhong Chen

Organizes and manages the memberships and donations.

Holiday Extravaganza

Arya Madhusoodhan

Represents the Orchestra for the Fine Arts Holiday Extravaganza Committee.


Dilek Sen

Coordinates refreshments for Holiday Concert and Pops Concert/Informal Banquet, solicits volunteers and organizes meals for events hosted on our campus.

Music To The Eyes

Amy Ghosh

Recruits local artists to donate their talents to upcycle and repurpose broken instruments into works of art.

Pie Day

Deepa Chetluri

Recruits local artists to donate their talents to upcycle and repurpose broken instruments into works of art.


Taizo Sakamoto

Advertises criteria, assembles adjudication committee, judges, selects and informs scholarship winners.


Debbie Ricks and Yeounhee Lee

Organizes the fitting, distribution, maintenance, collection, and cleaning of uniforms.


Christine Garcia